Home BugBounty Tips

BugBounty Tips

Rate Limiting bug capture the request -→ send it to Intruter –→ Null Paylaod –→ attack chech the requst send how many times

Reset Page give 2 mail id ,,,and check if 2 mail get the OTP multiple time reset → only last OTP is works chaning the original id to my my mail id

accout creation No verification send by server no OTP

Authentication Bugs Enter crt passwd –→ copy the Response code (Responce Manipulation) enter wrong passwd —-→ delect the responce and paste the correct passwd responce —-→ send the reqest

Reset Link check the reset link link address is same or not or It is serial number ( next number ) search the response if anywhere the reset link is leack

EXIF data upload a metadata image —→ download from server check it in metapicz.com

AWS S3 buget in URL or check source code find the buget name and download the AWS CLI And Try this comments Read : aws s3 ls s3://victim buget name write : aws s3 cp ./filename s3://victim Download: aws s3 cp s3://victim/filename ./ remove : aws s2 rm s3://victim/filename

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